
Get started with real estate videos: practical templates and examples

Video is the most engaging format, in demand by buyers but rarely offered by estate agents. Think you lack time or technical skills? Don't let it stop you! In this article, we show you how to get started with real estate video using practical templates and examples. Once you've mastered these basics, you'll feel confident and can later experiment with other types of videos.

Last updated on 07/02/2025

What to expect?

When we refer to "template," we mean an example that serves as a guiding checklist for your videos. It acts as a flexible wireframe that you can adapt to your needs. The main objective is to help you feel at ease with aspects such as angles, length, and duration. By using this template, you'll be able to post your videos with clear intention.

You’ll get inspired for the types of shots you could include in your videos to get started with posting real estate videos. However, we won't delve into more technical aspects. If you're interested in gaining an in-depth understanding of real estate videography, we recommend reading our ebook. It covers technical aspects to enhance your video creation skills further.

For immo portals

Including videos on your property listings on immo portals can boost your sales. They capture attention more effectively than static images, leading to increased engagement and higher interest in the properties.

By providing an immersive view, videos help to:

  • showcase the property's key features and overall layout
  • delivering a more thorough understanding of the space
  • attract more qualified inquiries

They also allow you to communicate directly with your viewers, fostering a more personal connection, establishing trust and making your specific listing and services more memorable.

The preview

Certain rooms can appear more appealing on video than in photos, preventing potential disappointments during in-person visits. Opt for videos in your property listings, especially in critical rooms, to offer a unique preview with extra visual context. Complex spaces like duplexes or mezzanines are challenging to capture in photos but come to life in videos. Additionally, featuring yourself or your colleagues in the video adds a personal touch.


  • Incorporate your brand colors and logo to prevent competitors from using your content and to leave a lasting impression on your viewers.
  • Keep your video between 1 to 3 minutes to make sure it remains engaging and informative

What you need

  • 5 to 10 clips of 3 to 7 seconds.
  • Show various rooms in slow, calm movements.
  • Property information like bedrooms, square footage and location.
  • Your logo and brand colors.

The easiest way to get started

Our simplified editor helps you create professional videos easily. Film with your smartphone and refine on your computer. You can add your logo and incorporate your videos, photos or panoramas. All without advanced editing skills.

For Instagram Reels

Instagram, boasting over 1 billion users, is a dynamic platform that has undergone numerous changes over the years. Initially designed for sharing photos, it has now evolved into a space where videos play the main role. You have various options to craft captivating property videos.

Reels on Instagram serve as a dynamic video gallery, specially designed for short and engaging vertical videos. Unlike stories that last for 24 hours, reels remain on your profile and act as a representation of your digital showcase. There are two primary goals for reels: entertainment and education. You can use reels to entertain your audience with engaging content or have them learn about various subjects related to your activity.

What to know more? Here's how real estate agents can leverage their video content for Instagram.

We suggest the following two templates to get started!

Template 1 - Sped-up property tour

Do you have some extraordinary properties that truly deserve the spotlight? Consider creating a property tour Reel to captivate as many viewers as possible with your unique listings. A highly favored format is the "sped-up property tour," which is both simple and effective. Just have someone film you while you showcase the property, and then speed up the footage for a dynamic effect. Adding trendy music will give it that extra flair!

This is an inspiring example from a satisfied Nodalview customer, C21 Serris.

Feel free to get creative with your sped-up property tour Reels, as they can be a fantastic way to attract attention to your listings and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Template 2 - Property sold

When a property is sold, it might be tempting to consider it as the end of its marketing life. Instead, view it as an opportunity to create compelling content that highlights your expertise, celebrates your success, and reinforces your brand as a reliable and accomplished real estate professional.

What you’ll need:

  • A video demonstrating you in action, using your tools like shooting photos with a tripod, capturing images with a 360° camera, or employing other external hardware.
  • A glimpse behind the scenes, showcasing you diligently working on emails, paperwork, signing documents, or visiting the office.
  • Shots from your numerous visits.
  • A shot of the property itself, and why not with a prominent "sold" sign symbolising your achievement.
  • Capture moments of you interacting with your happy buyers or sellers, highlighting the positive experiences they had with your assistance.

You can vary the length of your Reel from 15 seconds up to 3 minutes. Experiment and see what length your audience prefers!

For Instagram stories

Stories, which are short, dynamic video or photo updates that last for 24 hours. You can also create "Highlights" folders to group some of your stories together and keep them on your profile for a longer duration.

The key to stories is to create brief, attention-grabbing content. Why? Because these stories advance automatically, and viewers can easily skip to the next one by tapping the right side of the screen. Your goal is to keep your audience engaged with your story. To achieve this, we recommend two templates.

Read more: 5 social media posts you need as a real estate agent

Template 3 - Coming Soon

Got a new property listing in the works? Fantastic! Now's the perfect time to tease it and generate interest. Craft a short 15 to 30-second video, highlighting essential aspects of the property. This approach will catch your audience's attention and leave them eager for more.

What you need

  • 3 or 4 clips in portait mode
  • 3 to 6 seconds long
  • Use smooth movements (neither static nor too fast)
  • Dynamic music
  • Smooth transitions


  • Property information (localisation, number of rooms, square footage)
  • Stickers

💡Pro tip

By tagging the location of your property, your story will appear in the "neighborhood posts" section of Instagram. This means that when people browse through Instagram and explore what's happening in a specific area, your story may show up in the list of stories related to that neighborhood.

Template 4 - New listing alert!

Exciting news! Your new property listing is now available on your immo portals and website. Time to spread the word on your social media!

The main objective here is to encourage your audience to either get in touch with you or explore the listing more in detail. You can use the same video as above, but it's essential to add more information and motivate your audience to take action, such as contacting you or discovering more about the property.

Remember that in some cases, you may need to make your clips slightly longer to allow your audience enough time to read the text on your video. Ensuring legibility is crucial for conveying the message effectively.

💡Pro tip

Remember to leverage links in your stories! This way, your viewers can simply click on your story and get redirected to your website, listing on immo portal, or any other link you want to share. Using links makes it easy for your audience to take immediate action and explore further.

For Facebook

Facebook attracts millions of people searching for their future homes daily. Among the numerous posts shared by individuals and real estate professionals to promote properties for sale or rent, photos are appreciated but often fail to hold viewers' attention as they quickly scroll through.

To go further: How to get started on social media as a real estate agent?

The Preview

Similar to property listings on immo portals, real estate videos on Facebook should showcase spaces effectively and maintain viewer interest with dynamic content, without revealing everything upfront.

The key lies in finding the right balance of information on the image itself; while it's essential to display your logo or agency name for easy reference, additional details such as square meters, price, and location are better placed in the text description of your post.

By enticing viewers to watch the video and access the text description for more information, you can boost engagement and improve the discoverability of your profile.

What you need

  • 4 to 6 clips of 4 to 10 seconds.
  • Vary the rooms, show the biggest room from 2 different angles.
  • Add your logo and contact information?


To sum up

Real estate videos are a game-changers in the competitive world of property marketing. They captivate viewers, showcase properties effectively, and leave a lasting impression on potential buyers or renters. With these templates you can now get started on crafting professional real estate videos that will set you apart from the competition. Don't miss out!