What made you choose Nodalview over another solution? What challenges were you facing before?
"The first challenge and benefit are simply with the photographs. We worked with different levels of agencies. Agents starting out with few resources couldn't afford to hire a photographer: they needed an easy, practical, and simple tool. Nodalview was the ideal solution. What did we discover? That Nodalview's photographic quality was even better than of professional photographers. For example, when we discovered Nodalview's bracketing - here we won against photographers. Not to mention when it comes to doing a 360. Although I was already familiar with the Ricoh Theta, it had light problems. With Nodalview and the 8-octave bracketing, this was solved."
Nodalview: the real estate platform for everyone
"We work with 18 different real estate professionals with different objectives and needs that I had to analyze one by one. I always meet with them to see what tools we can provide.
For the agents who were just starting, the tool was key. With very little cost and time they were getting amazing multimedia results. On the other hand, for the very experienced agents who already had the business up and running and were doing multimedia with professionals, it was a question of price. The difference in cost was huge. These more experienced agents were not willing to spend their time taking the photos, they preferred to hire a professional photographer. We discovered that they needed someone on their team to handle the content. It didn't have to be a professional photographer, whose cost was higher, but a person minimally skilled in capturing with Nodalview. This way they would get high-quality photos, without consuming their time and for a lower cost.
So we solved both groups. We found in Nodalview a platform that provided benefits for both: the more experienced agents with a lot of resources but little time, and for those who were just starting their business", explains Jordi.
"When I discovered Nodalview, I immediately saw how useful the platform was for the needs we had."
"The platform came to me before I came to it. When I discovered Nodalview, I immediately saw how useful it was for the needs we had. From there I started to evaluate the pros and cons. I have to say that if we do a test and exam, Nodalview passed all phases. In terms of photo quality, the famous backlighting problems of a property with Nodalview disappeared. A unified platform, capturing 360s easily and with quality, one agent is able to put together a video with all that footage he has. It was a very positive surprise. This unique tool covered some needs we had, but it also improved the tools we already had. For me, it was a great discovery. Nodalview exceeded my expectations," says Jordi.
Did you consider other options before choosing Nodalview?
Not really. We already had the solution. Nodalview found me. We had it all solved on different platforms, by different professionals. What we did was to unify everything, make it much more optimal in terms of time and money resources... and improve the quality. The comparison was that what we had that was already good, now was better, being more economical and faster. I did not look for an alternative, I did not make the comparison.
The added value of Nodalview
The market is becoming more and more professionalized and we have better-prepared competition. Therefore, we are either above the standards or we are in the bottom of the pile. Being average means competing on price, and that is neither the philosophy of Keller Williams nor my team. Our philosophy is to compete on quality. So, either you are up to date by offering the best there is in the market for our customers or they are not going to pay you what you are asking for. At the end of the day, it's about offering a higher quality of marketing to the end consumer: the homeowner.
About results
Increase in the use of 360
We have raised the minimum quality standard of our marketing. With concrete data, we have tripled the publications to 360. This means that the publications in portals: have better positioning, more views, and more demand, and this results in higher income for the agents: more sales, and faster sales. This has been the result from the business side, the one we are all looking for to optimize and obtain better economic results.
We are still in the facet of the virtual visit, working to generate it as a habit. Making changes is hard for all of us: not only for the professional but also for the consumer. That's why all this is a process of insisting to see the value for both the agent and the consumer. I have had the vision that this was going to add up, and I am absolutely sure that when some agents start to generate the habit of virtual visits, others will soon jump on the bandwagon. That's the challenge we have today with the agents to implement and exploit Nodalview.
A success story with Nodalview
Because of my current role, I don’t market properties anymore. However, I had the chance to market a property that was empty. What we did was prepare a home staging, necessary for good marketing. The same home staging company did the multimedia capture, but I also did with Nodalview the capture of photographs, 360, and so on. The home staging provider could not believe the quality of the images I had captured. As it was a very close client, we tested the clicks that the publication achieved with the material that the home staging agency had sent us, and on the other hand with the content captured with Nodalview. Between the quality of the Nodalview images and the use of the 360, we observed 40% more clicks. This is what I experience on a daily basis, it's not just a compliment. This is how the platform works.
A tip from Jordi
"I want to encourage everyone to raise their marketing quality standards. It's a joint challenge that all of us in real estate have to raise our quality standards in service and value propositions. We need everyone to look for the best tools, to compete in the best way because it challenges us all to be better. I encourage you all to see and test Nodalview. My experience is this, others may be different. But I absolutely recommend it above all for that reason: because we are going to increase the quality standard in the sector, and that is welcome because it generates prestige in the shared sector for those of us who increase that quality standard.”
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